379 results for "how good are you in bed"

If Zikoko was a bar, we'd do dorime for everybody, even if they buy water. Our cocktail names would be cool too e.g. "I don't want to be a mechanic"
October 17, 2022
Everything in this article is true. Believe me, I’m an Arsenal fan. I’ve been an Arsenal fan for 17 years. If you’ve heard that Arsenal fans are good partners and you didn’t know why, this article will explain to you. 1. They don’t have standards In the world of football, Arsenal is synonymous with failure. […]
August 23, 2021
The subject of today’s What She Said is a 23-year-old Nigerian woman who is no stranger to the hospital. She talks about having breast lumps, dealing with heart attacks and an enlarged heart at 23, and enjoyment being her driving force.  Tell me something interesting.  I have had five heart attacks between 2020 and 2021.  […]
August 18, 2021
The subject of this week’s Sex Life is a 39-year-old heterosexual man who was celibate for almost a decade before he got married. He talks about his wild sexual past and how he thinks that might be stopping him from fully enjoying married sex.
February 27, 2021
Regardless of what your sex life is typically like — satisfyingly vanilla or insanely wild — everyone has an experience they consider to be entirely out-of-left-field, and that’s why we’re gathered here today. Curious to know just how adventurous Nigerians get in the bedroom, we asked 7 sexually-active adults to tell us the craziest thing […]
April 15, 2020