Do you know how frustrating it can be when you’re trying to get off the phone but the other person can’t seem to get the hint? We know how annoying it can be, so we’ve come up with excuses you can use.

When you need to get off the phone. Tell them any of the following: 

You want to drink water 

Finding a cup, pouring the water and drinking it can take a long time. You’d rather not waste the person’s time and data by doing all that while on the phone. When you’re done, you’ll call them back. 

You need to close the fridge

You just remembered that you forgot to close the fridge and now electricity is wasting. Tell them you need to quickly get off the phone and attend to it. 

NEPA has brought light 

You’re not sure how long electricity will last before they take the light, so you want to quickly charge your phone before NEPA decides to be unfortunate. If they live in Nigeria, they’ll understand and end the call. 

ALSO READ: 16 Times NEPA Has Absolutely Horrified Every Nigerian

You need to go down the stairs 

Going down the stairs requires your full attention so you don’t fall and break your neck. The person on the phone will have to understand that for your own safety, you have to end the call to focus on the stairs. 

You’re going to gist with your gateman 

Bonding with your staff is very important for you. You have a particular time when you sit and gist with your gateman, and the call is cutting into that time. 

You’re about to give birth 

You’ve been in labour since the call started, and now you’re about to start pushing the baby out. You won’t have the energy to talk and push the baby out at the same time. 

ALSO READ: All The Reasons We Hate Returning Phone Calls

There’s an emergency in your compound

Your neighbour’s pot of soup was stolen, and you need to go and help them catch the thief. 

You want to go and count the grains of rice you have

You need to make sure you have enough rice at home for the week. The only way to be sure is by counting each grain carefully. 

Mercury is wearing red brocade 

Mercury is back again, and she’s wearing a red brocade this time. You can’t be on the phone for too long if not, you’ll miss her. Knowing Mercury, she may not be back for a while. 

Your bus conductor is asking for change

The bus conductor needs their change, and you’ve been struggling to look for it with one hand. You need to drop your phone and use both hands to search properly. 

You need to take a Zikoko quiz 

I said what I said. Try it and see. 

QUIZ: What Romance Trope Best Fits Your Love Life?



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.