PS: If you are here because you are about to dump somebody’s child and you need opening remarks please step aside. This is a well deserved pity party for those of us who have been hurt for the most unreasonable reasons. Here’s a list of the 9 most annoying break up lines.

1. “You deserve better”

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

Since when did you become so selfless? Are you trying to outdo Jesus? Is that it? You want to outdo Jesus?

2. “It’s not me, it’s you”.

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

But when did it become a competition? And even if it is a competition, when and how did you win?

3. “I need to focus on my work”

I have a job too and i am still in the relationship. And till date there’s no proof that I have 2 heads.

4. “I need space”

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

Give me the measurements. 10 millimeters? 20 centimeters? Talk to me.

5. “I don’t want to hold you back”

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

Mmm….But I never said you were a rope.

6. “You are like a sister to me”

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

But we have been doing things brothers and sisters don’t do.

7. “Lets just take a break”

Please clarify; do you mean lunch break, break dance or breaking bad?

8. “I love you so much it scares me”

Lies! Word on the street is that when people say this, the love they speak of is most likely non existent. But they can’t tell you that to your face so they say the opposite instead.

9. “My parents don’t approve”

zikoko- most annoying breakup lines

But I thought the relationship was between me and you. Another question please; why didn’t you ask them before chyking me?

That’s 9 of the most annoying breakup lines and ironically they are also the most used. It’s like every year a secret convention is held for people that want to break up. And then these lines are released to them in a brochure. Has any of them been used on you and have you yourself used any on someone else? You can tell us, we won’t judge.

And when you’re done you can click here to find out if you are an annoying person too. You’re welcome.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.