These days, things look a lot different at Zikoko.

We’ve come a long way since going live 5 years ago when we began creating amazing content and meme-ifying this corner of the internet. 

In the past two years specifically, we’ve sustained an enthusiastic learn-as-you-go vibe while dealing with the struggles of an ever-changing media landscape. In this time, we’ve grown a lot as a team, experimented with a wide range of formats, and slammed an unhealthy amount of sticky notes everywhere we found room.

One thing has stayed the same: the resolve to create smart and joyful content for young Africans everywhere. 

As a yay to our current streak, we have a range of things we’d like to share with you. 

First, a facelift.

More than a facelift, we’re making sure that you can find everything you enjoy about Zikoko, easily. For example, the stacks will help you find all your favourite stories fast, from Sex Life and Abroad Life, to What She Said. Bringing Quizzes up means your binge is a few clicks easier to reach. And we’ve made the categories more defined. 

About the categories. 

We’ve grouped our efforts into a diverse range of interests. From defining the sacred art of chopping life to documenting a diverse range of human experiences, these are our verticals:

Inside Life

The life of every category begins here. You could call it an incubator of sorts. “So, it’s life as you know it,” Ope, our Resident General and Managing Editor, says. 

“It’s stories that connect just about every fragment of life and how people live. Daily life. Relatable stories. Weird stories. How government decisions and activities affect real people as told by those real people.”

So it’s Astor’s weird takes on weird things. It’s Kunle’s ridiculous lists. It’s Boyin playing Citizen Vigilante. It’s Blessing, the newest kid on the block, crawling through here and everywhere else. 


Daniel describes this as “our take on pop culture, from the music scene to Nollywood.” So, if you need some recommendations on what you should be listening to, this is where you come. You’ll find Astor’s reviews sometimes, and Daniel dissecting the music scene other times.


“Everything that has to do with chopping life,” is how Toke defines Chopist. “Chopping life is simply living your best life.” From VRSUS to Jollof Road, this is where we’re exploring enjoyment. 

Aluta n Chill

“Well, it’s this series where I reach out to students across Nigerian campuses, have conversations with them, and draw out stories about the student experience in Nigeria and for Nigerians,” says Toheeb


Hassan puts it this way; “we want to show how people make money, how they keep it or grow it, and how they spend it.” We’re ramping up on our path to helping you understand this money. Here, you’ll find series like Hassan’s A Week In The Life, or Naira Life.


Here, the goal according to Toke is to “create relatable content for women across every demographic.” You’ll find everything about being a woman here. 


Some days are for testing out your knowledge of the world, other days are for bants because really, you can’t kill yourself. 

Behind all of these categories and stories are people working harder than ever to get every part of the engine moving forward. It’s the design team coming through poster by the poster. It’s the video team taking in last-minute edits, and editing videos from their bedrooms. It’s the engagement team trying new experiments, every day. Also, It’s the management team looking for money to pay our salaries. It’s our partners looking and

Zikoko happens because these people show up. 

One thing is clear: everything Zikoko is today is a result of everyone who’s ever showed up to do the work, and keep us going. From that first editorial team in 2015 to the person taking one more quiz before going to bed.

We live for this. 

The world is changing, and full of uncertainties, and while it might not be easy to predict precisely where the world is headed, one thing is certain: 

We’ll still be here, making content, exploring formats, talking to young Africans everywhere, with all the ginger and joy. 

P.S: Play around with the website, and leave some feedback; that’s how it gets better.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.