1. So, when some of your seniors were hot, we heard they made you people fan them and say ‘Haier Thermocool’ at the same time?

2. Please, somebody told us a senior made them go under and help her kill cockroaches and sleep under her bed

3. Small play with these seniors and next thing you hear, ‘go and hang on the burglar proof’

4. This one is the most legendary punishment, oya if you pushed car that they drew on a wall, say ‘aye’

5. If they want to pity you small, they’ll just ask you to spell your name with your bum on the floor

6. Bedwetters, we feel for you, so some seniors made you carry your bed on your head when you did your stuvz?

7. If a senior ever gave you fifty naira to buy 150 rice and 7 meat with Lacaera and to bring change , you are not alone, we plenty for here