Twitter is like that fun party every millenial got an invite to and one that every millenial actually wants in on. But breaking into this party is not always so easy. And did I mention that Nigerian Twitter is an extreme sport? Because it really is, complete with penalties and fatal injuries. If you’re just joining Nigerian Twitter then you will most likely experience the things on this list.
1. It will be soliloquy for a long time.
Your first tweets will basically be you just talking to yourself. No likes, no comments, no retweets. Just you, yourself and your tweets chilling on your timeline like losers no one wants to hang out with.
2. Then you post your first hot picture and you realize that people actually see your tweets.
But they are just not interested in reading and engaging with you your smart logic, big English and 50 followers. They only want to see fine pishure.
3. You witness your first drag fest.
And then for the first time you have a front row seat at a twitter drag fest complete with savage punchlines, and damning screenshots. You watch as they literally skin the subject alive and even proceed to grind the bones.
4. You collect your first savage clap back.
And you are like why are you people so angry and rude? Who hurt you? For some people this marks the end of their tweeting careers, for others it gives them the ginger they need.
5. Then you hit your first popular tweet.

The tweet that finally garners beautiful likes, sweet retweets and lovely comments. And you go back to that tweet every 5 minutes to tell yourself- Yassss, I have arrived. Until another savage clap back jams you.