1. You only remembered it was Christmas when you started seeing decorations.

When you were a kid, you already started thinking about Christmas from October.
2. When people start asking you to “do Christmas” for them.

When you were a kid, people were the ones “doing Christmas” for you.
3. You, trying to find your Christmas spirit.

When you were a kid, your Christmas spirit was in full force by November.
4. When relatives no longer feel the need to give you Christmas money.

When you were a kid, that was your major source of income.
5. You, wondering what gifts to get your parents that won’t bankrupt you.

When you were a kid, that was their wahala.
6. When you see kids on holiday and remember your leave will soon end.

That used to be you.
7. You, waiting for Christmas to end so the price of things can go back to normal.

When you were a kid, you couldn’t care less.
8. When there is no one to buy you Christmas clothes and shoes.

When you were a kid, it was a necessity.
9. You actually now know the price of Christmas decorations.
When you were a kid, you just assumed it came with the house.
10. When you start getting calls from your cousins in the village.

When you were a kid, they called your parents instead.
11. Praying for your account balance throughout the holiday like:

When you were a kid, this was your money month.
12. When you see people with Christmas decorations in their homes.

When you were a kid, your house was the first to put up decorations.
13. You as a kid on Christmas day vs. You as an adult on Christmas day.

Too real.
14. When you realize Christmas as an adult is actually pretty boring.

When you were a kid, there was alwyas an event to attend.
15. When you have to spend the entire holiday entertaining visitors.

When you were a kid, all you had to do was greet them and leave.