1. When your mum is calling your sibling and you try to help.


2. When your father sees you doing anything that doesn’t relate to your education.


3. When your mum takes everything literally.


4. When you bring one nonsense result home to your father.

5. When your mother gives you that death stare.


6. When you try to be cool with your father,

7. When your mother tells you to clean the house and you do rubbish,

8. When you want to misbehave and your mother reminds you where you came from.


9. When your mother expects you to be able to read her mind.

10. When your mother jumps form 0 to 100 just like that.


11. When your mother starts making you consider money ritual.

12. When you don’t get the best score humanly possible.


13. When you tell your mother you can’t find something.


14. When you ask your father for money.

15. When you hear this song and you know it’s a fresh round of prayers.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.