1. Losing all home training and talking back at your parents.

2. Chooking mouth in matters that don’t concern you.


3. Forming ‘odechi’ when your parents beat you.

4. Making the mistake of coming home 1 minute after 6pm.

5. Sharing good news with your village people.


6. Showing your Dad you have a very big mouth.


7. Forming I too know for your Mum in front of her visitors.

8. Doing longthroat and eating the biggest piece of meat in the pot.


9. Forgetting to remove the meat from the freezer.


10. Calling older people by their names.

11. Not rolling on the floor to greet the visitors in your house.


12. Telling your parents you want to follow your dreams.

13. Blocking your mum’s slaps when she’s beating you.


14. Having the liver to watch TV after failing your exams.

15. Doing oversabi and using your mum’s special plates to eat.

16. Giving your parents anything with your left hand.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.