I had two glasses of wine at 12 p.m last Tuesday while working from home. The first thing I noticed was a sudden increase in energy. Also, ideas just started flowing through my head. And then I said to myself, “So coffee isn’t the only thing that can give you this feeling?” Later, I started thinking about coffee alternatives that slap even harder and increase productivity at work.
Below are the best coffee alternatives I learnt.
Have you ever been wine tipsy? It makes you feel relaxed and happy, like you don’t have a care in the world. And that’s exactly why wine will help in boosting your productivity. Sip a glass at work, and no amount of stress can get to you.
The tears of your enemies

If there’s one thing that’ll motivate you to work harder and faster, it’s knowing that your enemies will be pained by your success. The more successful you become at work, the more your enemies cry. Drink their tears to fuel your energy.
Kolaq Alagbo
Kolaq Alagabo is a drink that is apparently known for enhancing sexual performance. My thought process is, if you drink it and don’t fornicate, you can channel all of that energy into your work. Take risk and succeed.
Gym Pre-Workout Supplement
If people at the gym can take it to exercise their bodies, why can’t you take it to exercise your brain to make your work faster and better?
ALSO READ: You People Are Spending This Much Money on Gym?
Water nourishes your body and improves attentiveness, alertness, and energy. All of which help with productivity. Staying hydrated will keep your productivity levels high.
Orange juice
The thing that may be affecting your productivity may be this heat that we’re currently facing. To fix this, just drink a big pack of chilled orange juice.
Sachet Chelsea
Do you see how active and gingered bus conductors are every morning? It’s because they’ve taken that hot London dry gin that makes your chest feel like it’s on fire. Squeeze a sachet into your mouth and turbocharge yourr productivity. But the catch is you have to hurry up and finish your work because, after an hour or two, you’ll fall asleep.
Disclaimer: Alcoholism isn’t a joke. Please drink responsibly. And don’t drink while driving or operating machinery.
ALSO READ: Weird Homemade Cocktails Zikoko Writers Are Making