40 results for "money"

Travelling with a Nigerian passport is not the easiest thing. However, a couple of countries across the world allow Nigerians to visit without a visa. Find some of them here: Travelling with a Nigerian passport is quite a task. With the Nigerian passport ranking 101 out of 199 countries, there are not many visa-free countries […]
September 3, 2021
During a random conversation with a friend, Sierra*, a few weeks ago, she mentioned that her mum passed several years ago and that she has never met her dad. I couldn’t stop thinking about the story the whole evening. On the following day, I hit her up to ask if she would be open to […]
April 15, 2021
As told to Toheeb. Last year, I thought it might be interesting to talk to a student cultist for Aluta and Chill, the flagship series I was writing at the time. I put the word out, but it was futile. I was about to give up my search when a friend told me there was […]
February 9, 2021
Using bank apps to process transactions is literally the best thing ever until it isn’t. These are some of the times you wished you banked the old-fashioned way. 1. When you send money to a wrong account You will be thinking that you’ve done a good deed by sending someone money, even if you’re only […]
November 5, 2020