The story of the 10 Plagues of Egypt you read in the Bible was scary but it didn’t tell of all the plagues. There was one more it failed to mention. No, it’s not COVID-19. It’s women coming to your house and stealing your clothes. The reason why your money is running out is because you keep buying shirts women end up stealing. So here are 6 sure ways you can prevent women from stealing your clothes like the robbers that they are.
1. Lock your wardrobe when she comes around
If you want to keep the thieves out, you have to keep your possessions under lock and key. You get to keep your perfume safe too.

2. Don’t let her enter your room
If she can’t enter your room, she won’t see the clothes and perfume to steal. You can hire a bouncer to stay outside your door.

3. Don’t let her come to your house
Forget Netflix and Chill. Hang in places like Chicken Republic or in a quiet park somewhere. That way you get to know her. If you must Netflix and Chill, go to her house. You might even find something nice to steal for yourself and turn the tables on them.

4. Cuddle her when you sleep
Hold her tight while you sleep, not only because you’re fond of her but also to prevent her from sorting through your clothes while you sleep to find the one she wants to take. A word is enough.

5. Wear only trad
She can’t steal your trad. The only downside is that you become one of those men that wear trad to the beach. That’s bad.

6. Buy…interesting clothes
If your clothes will cause a Lagosian to look at you twice, don’t worry, she won’t touch it with a long pole. You get to keep all your clothes.