1. So at the beginning of the year, you said you were going to be healthier.

2. You determined to become a card carrying member of FitFam.

3. In fact, some of your friends joined you!

4. But it’s now February and no one is to be found!

5. It’s just you, lone soldier.

6. This is you, running your bumbum away in the gym.

7. Your former comrades are laughing at you, like.

8. Every time you see rice, bread or cake you can’t have, you’re like:

9. Meanwhile you’re not sure this might have been the best idea anymore!

10. All your clothes don’t really fit anymore.

11. And there isn’t any money to buy new ones.

12. People in church keep asking you if you’re suffering.

13. And your mother believes you are rude because you no longer eat all her food.

14. But keep doing you, dying in the gym and saying no to rice.

15. When you reach your final form, they will all know!