1. How all the class efikos sit in front during speech and prize giving day:

Let’s do this.

2. Those unbothered students that only came for free drinks and food:

Where is the meatpie, biko?

3. You, when just one student is collecting all the gifts for your set:

Who is this one?

4. How the students that get called out for best in Maths and English walk out:


5. All your classmates, when the class olodo’s name gets called:

Say what?

6. How your mother looks at you when it’s almost over and they still haven’t called your name:

See your life.

7. When your father comes with all his friends and you haven’t won anything.

Hay God!

8. When your friend that always stabs class with you gets called out and you’re still empty-handed.

WOW! So it’s like that?

9. When your mates are getting called out for ‘best in Physics’ and you hear your name for ‘best in Yoruba’.

To use and do what?

10. When the efikos open their prizes in front of you and you’re just seeing water bottles.

See nonsense.

11. You, when the class oversabi’s name doesn’t get called out.


12. How you leave the speech and prize giving day empty-handed:

It can pain.


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.