1. Today is International Women’s Day, and we are very excited!

2. We know many people are going to celebrate important female figures from past and current history and we love that!

3. But today we want to let all the regular ladies know that they deserve celebration too!

4. First of all, we slay hard at school, getting that education and conquering all those textbooks.

5. And we slay hard at work, breaking stereotypes and doing our part (and more) for the growing global economy.

6. Did we mention the millions of women that push out babies every day like it’s nothing.

7. Then go on to be primary caregivers, nurturing young minds and bodies to do and be better than them.

8. There’s also our amazing homemakers, who provide trillions of dollars worth of services for free! Often ignored and derided in society.

9. Not to talk of the women out there combining work, school and motherhood!

10. There are women breaking cultural moulds and doing it quietly, today is for you!

11. Choosing to be more than just an appendage to a man, forging their own path even when nobody approves.

12. And to the women out there that feel under appreciated, worn out, tired and defeated on many days, today is for you!

13. Happy International Women’s Day