Obesere’s Egungun Be Careful is our newly adopted national anthem, and we plan to use it in every situation necessary. If you’re confused about how and when to use it, we have made this list for your enjoyment. Read, digest, and remember: egungun be careful, because na express you dey go.

1. As a family anthem.

In case any msunery situation happens in the family or is about to happen, just cue in egungun be careful and watch the atmosphere return to normal. It’s a note of warning, and it can never ever go wrong.

2. As a lullaby.

Is your little baby or your ‘adult’ baby in need of a lullaby to sleep? Obesere’s hit is something you should consider singing. It soothes the mind, calms the heart and ensures sweet dreams.

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3. When you find yourself falling in love with a Yoruba man or an Igbo woman from Imo state.

Just sing it to yourself so you can stop that rubbish you’re about to venture into. Otherwise, motor go jam you!

4. When it won’t stop playing in your head.

Give in to the cravings of your heart and let it all out. Egungun be what? Egungun be careful.

5. When Egungun finally enters trouble.

Ah,e don happen! Soldier don jam this egungun o.

6. When your parents misbehave.

Are they talking to you anyhow? Demanding grandchildren from you? Stressing you about your relationship? Put them in their place quickly.

Are you an Obsere stan yet? These are 7 Reasons why you should stan our new president.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.