Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a boy stumbled upon this herbal drink:


At once, he knew he had to do some research. Here he is, after hours of combing through the internet for herbal mixtures with the most ridiculous names.



This translates to “Are you courageous?” Scary name for a drink, but who cares? It does say it’s only for the bold.


Jekonmo herbal

Or “let them know”. Now, you know. What exactly should you let them know? I don’t know.


Japata Herbal

Tear pant? I’d like a first-hand account from whoever has consumed this before, detailing how it made them feel.


This is probably Japata’s cousin as they mean almost the same thing. The fact that it’s sold in a keg makes it even more intriguing.


Senuebo herbal

“Can you keep a secret?” Even the lady is telling you to shush.

Oga Abeg E Don Do

One thing I’ll give the product’s team is the name is catchy. You absolutely wouldn’t miss it in the herbal mixture market.

Olekoko Akson Bitters

The galloping horse says all you need to know. 

Sho Mo Age Mi Ni

“Do you know my age?” But the vagueness leaves so many questions unanswered. The lady in the picture is still shunning the man, so what’s the point? The only thing that’s clear is the drink’s 30% alcohol. content


Every other idan is a counterfeit.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.