There’s something to be said for people who rate corn flakes over garri. I didn’t know people did that ghetto behaviour until I got wind of it. It is true that corn flakes has a masters degree and maybe a PhD in the works, but have you ever stopped to consider the fact that garri is a professor? For those of you choosing cornflakes over garri, this list is a reminder that you don’t have taste.

1. You can turn garri to eba but you can’t do that with cornflakes.

Can you even touch cornflakes with hot water? Haq, you’ll just destroy the career of that fragile thing.
2. Garri has a special seat at bukas and fancy restaurants.

Cornflakes will not even be allowed to enter.
3. Garri goes well with or without milk.

Cornflakes could never dare. Never ever.
4. Garri goes with beans.

Have you ever poured cornflakes inside beans?
5. What shall we say about the delights of garri and soup?
I know I eat a lot of stuff, but I would never dare try cornflakes and soup. Never ever.
6. Garri can flow with milk and chocolate. E.g, Peak and Milo or Bournvita.

Cornflakes could never. Only goes with cream. I would know. Yesterday, I tried cornflakes and Bournvita. It felt like I signed up for premium suffering.
7. Garri is in every Nigerian home. Even if they don’t eat/ drink it, they still have it.

I doubt if we can say the same for cornflakes.
Honestly, we respect cornflakes, but when it comes to arguing it out, we know who owns the crown. And it is definitely not cornflakes.

Here’s something else you should read if you’re a garri stan: 5 Garri Combinations That’ll Give You A Stomach Orgasm
And if Golden Morn is your thing, this one is for you: 7 Things You Can Combine With Golden Morn For A Different Taste