1000 results for "money"

What’s your oldest memory of money? I was seven, and there was a housewarming party at my father’s new house. An uncle gave me ₦50 as per for being a good boy. Later that evening, an aunt asked me to lend her the money for her transport home. She’s never returned my money since then, […]
December 14, 2020
This is #NairaLife, episode 96. What’s your oldest memory of money? I’d say not having a lot of it. My dad had money, but it did not seem that way. I felt we were poor. I remember back in secondary school, I had to wear worn-out shoes and bags, my uniforms were not anything to […]
November 30, 2020
Tell me about your oldest memory of money. Hmm, I didn’t acknowledge the existence of money till I was in secondary school. Prior to that, whatever I needed was always provided. I’m not saying that this changed in secondary school, but there was a stark difference between what my mates had and what I had. […]
October 19, 2020
Recently, I had an interesting money situation where a friend defaulted on a loan. From the lies to the silence, I felt somehow. Especially because of the lies and fake anger. I assumed that a friend wouldn’t treat me like that. Motivated by my experience, I went asking people for their own money experience. Here’s […]
September 17, 2020
This weeks’ #Nairalife was made possible by FCMB’s promise of quality medical care from the comfort of your home. Do you remember the first time someone called you rich and you were extremely triggered? My cousins in London. For some reason, their step mum painted an exaggerated version of our family to them. They genuinely thought […]
August 31, 2020
This weeks’ #Nairalife was made possible by FCMB’s promise of quality medical care from the comfort of your home. Let’s start from when you were tiny.  I used to help my mum at her store where she sold perfumes. Then she opened another store for kid’s clothing in the city we lived in.  What city?  Delta. […]
August 24, 2020