Is your significant other the best thing since agege bread or is it time to return to the streets?

These are surefire signs that your partner doesn’t mean you well:

They don’t brush their teeth first thing in the morning

Do we need to tell you that they’re trying to suffocate you with bad breath? Stay woke.

They brush their teeth immediately they wake up

Who are they trying to smell good and stay healthy for, exactly? Check the streets, your boo might be there.

They like pasta

If your partner has a taste for creamy pasta and its cousins, your account or your lactose intolerant bowels are in danger.

Their beliefs are questionable

If your significant other is already saying stuff like, “30+ women are expired goods,” “partners don’t need to know about each other’s finances” or “Semo is nice,” why are you still there?

They have to travel 6 times a year

Are they in a weird competition with Bubu? Your partner clearly has no other plans than to erase your account. Avoid them.

You’ve still not seen their apartment

They’re trying to show you that they live on the streets. You have no future there.

Their mantra is “I can’t kill myself”

They spend money anyhow and blame it on mercury and her lucozade. Do you really want to be with someone that discourages you from smart financial decisions and investments in this economy? 

All you both do is watch TikTok videos

You: “Baby, I really want to learn more about real estate, Bitcoin and NFTs.”


They don’t listen to the “To Be Quite Honest” Podcast

If your partner hasn’t told you about this podcast, they obviously don’t mean you well. They talk about real estate, investment opportunities, social trends, and other stuff that’ll bring you out of poverty. It’s not every time food or movies, sometimes think about your future. 

To Be Quite Honest Podcast is a fun and engaging stop for everything about real estate investment. Get updates on new episodes on Instagram via @tobequitehonestpod 



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.