Before Instagram people started to mix and sell creams, these were the original gangsters in the world of skincare. You can argue if you want, but you know that we are telling the truth.

1. POP face cream.

It was called Sharly. Not sure if that’s the right spelling, but this face cream was the real deal back then. Before bedtime and sometimes early in the morning after you wake up.

2. Sivoderm.

This was supposed to rival Nixoderm, right? Both of them sef, I don’t think they cured any major facial defects. At least for my face.

3. Nixoderm.

Nixoderm – NigerianStore

The OG of all face creams. Original Gangster. Can clear anything.

4. Epiderm.

Epiderm Cream Tube 30G - Onedotstores Online Supermarket

This cream was/is said to cure eczema. But the funny thing was that it made you look like you are actually suffering from a severe case of eczema. What was worse, it also made your face lighter than the rest of your body lmao.

5. Ytacan.

Ytacan Clotrimazole Cream Usp 30g - Onedotstores Online Supermarket

The question is, which Nigerian did not use this cream? We all did lmao.

6. Skineal.

SKINEAL CREAM – Shindyhak Pharmacy

This cream was the poster boy for all skin problems. Pimples? Use Skineal. Stretchmarks? Skineal. Eczema? Skineal. Black bum-bum? Darling, apply Skineal.



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