1. When you want to borrow the money, be as humble as possible.

2. Thank them well even when you have no intention of giving them the money back.

3. For the first few days (or weeks) after borrowing the money, stay loyal.

4. When they ask you when you plan to return the money, never be straightforward.

5. When they ask you for collateral for this money.

Now to the hiding:
6. Make your Instagram account private.

7. If they’re on your Twitter timeline, you can’t tweet or even ‘lol’ at tweets.

8. When your phone is ringing and it’s them, do not pick.

Like, don’t touch the phone.
9. After a while, pick up and tell them your phone fell in the toilet or that you’ve been sick.

10. When they start shouting for their money, get angry too.

11. If they catch you at a lit hangout, tell them your rich friend sponsored you.

12. When they don’t believe, ask if you can pay in installments.

13. But you already know it’s safer to avoid lit hangouts and just follow them online.

14. When you see them walking towards you in public.

15. If you think you might never pay them back, block them across the digital universe.

16. Or die.