1. When you told your friends that you’re going abroad for Uni but your father says you should go and pick JAMB form.

Oh God! Why me?
2. When you’re filing JAMB form with your parents and start writing “Theatre Ar…”

3. When your mother forces you to fill in Engineering/Law/Medicine as 1st and 2nd choice.

Epp me, God!
4. You and your guys entering JAMB lesson like:

Bad guys.
5. When you see your elders writing in the same JAMB centre as you.

My oga.
6. When JAMB gives you that useless calculator for Maths.

To use and do what?
7. When someone that has a different exam type is still copying you.

Are you normal?
8. JAMB and Nokia torchlight phones.

When you hear that ringtone, you know dubs have arrived.
9. When you hear that JAMB results are out.

Hay God!
10. When your classmate that paid for special centers still scores 130.

Good for you.
11. Your mother checking your JAMB result with you.

I’m not ready.
12. When you only had to write JAMB 3 times before passing.

I sabi book.
13. When you finally pass JAMB but remember you still have to pass Post JAMB.

14. How old you feel when you hear that this is how they write JAMB now:

I’m old sha.