Hey, you. Are you tired of calling your significant other by their name, or worse, by their sex (like a 72-year-old married man)? Regardless of what your answer was, you’re in luck. Here’s a list of disgustingly cute pet names for your lover.

Don’t you dare thank me.

Beau, a cute pet name for your lover.

Throw some Français in there.

Sweetheart. a cute pet name for your lover.

What’s better than a delicious vital organ?

Partner-in-crime,  a cute pet name for your lover.

Serving “Bonnie & Clyde” realness.

Crunchy Kidney, a cute pet name for your lover.

Again I ask, what is better than a delicious vital organ?

Samosa cute pet name for your lover.

Let’s face it, it is the best-tasting thing in a small chops pack. All the Samosans, let me hear you say “AYYYYE!”

Gizdodo, a cute pet name for your lover.

Don’t think too much about it.

Agbalumo, a cute pet name for your lover.

Yes, agbalumo, with its sweet-sour taste. Just like your toxic-ass relationship.

Credit alert, a cute pet name for your lover.

What? What’s cuter than a cre –?

That’s it. I’m done. Go use these cute pet names for your lover(s).

While I have your attention, go read these 15 love puns you can use to butter up your significant other before steamy sex.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.