In Tiwa’s voice, “Who no like enjoyment?” Definitely not you, and here are 5 Ways to ensure that happens.
1. Follow the success hacks from Obi Cubana
If you apply 1-8 religiously, enjoyment will become your first name. Find all the hacks here.

2. Look for where there is enjoyment
How will enjoyment find you when you are always in your room? Toh.

3. Speak it into existence
Say this first thing after you wake up until it manifests: “I deserve a soft life full of enjoyment.” Highly effective.

4. Look for money nobody is using again
Why use yours when someone somewhere has money they’re no longer using? You just have to look very well.

5. Enroll for Jobberman’s Soft Skills Training
This will help you climb the ladder of enjoyment faster than a lizard.