A large percentage of Nigerians reading this right now are currently battling fuel scarcity and erratic supply of electricity.

When NEPA refuses to bring the light and fuel for generator is also scarce.

In a dire situation as this, you’d think Nigerian leaders would try and calm the already angry and impatient Nigerians.

However, President Buhari’s media aide during an interview with Channels Television dropped his very ‘wise’ solution to Nigeria’s electricity problems.

He claimed that petroleum pipeline vandals were responsible for the poor supply of electricity.

He went on to shock Nigerians with this statement.

“… So if some people are crying that they are in darkness, they should go and hold those that vandalized the pipelines, that’s it!”

When there’s no fuel and light but your government still wants you to fight some people.

Will Nigerians stand for this?


They certainly do not deserve such betrayal.

Should such statements be made by a Special Adviser to the President?


How much more drama will Nigerians go through in the hands of government officials?

When did civilians become responsible for tackling pipeline vandals?

He should kuku give us all guns.

No wonder!

Perhaps the misyarning will stop if the President considers this idea.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.