Are you a Nigerian who wants to travel even for a short period but can’t seem to find a country where they don’t ask for an arm, a leg and the blood of three virgins before granting you a visa? This article is for you. 

With your very valuable green passport, you can go to these countries without too much of a hassle. 


Yes,  Rihanna’s home country. English is the official language here, so you don’t have to worry about barriers in communicating with locals on this Caribbean island. And the beaches here? Pristine. People also say Barbadian food and rum is amazing. Add Barbados to your bucket list.


Rwanda is one of the fastest developing countries in Africa. The central African country is gaining a reputation and becoming one of the most toured countries on the continent. It’s even becoming a destination for Nigerians who want to pursue an education. And it’s visa-free for Nigerians. 


If you’re not scared of harassment and privacy violation, the beautiful beaches and wonderful people of Seychelles are calling your name. You can stay for up to 90 days without a visa. That’s three whole months. Definitely something to consider. 


Even if it’s to go to the city squares in Accra and shout, “Nigerian jollof is the best”, Ghana is a good start for your travel experiences. You can even get to Ghana by bus before someone who lives and works in Lagos gets home from rush hour traffic. 


Raise your hands if you didn’t realise Madagascar was a place until many years after watching the animated  movie. My hands are up. Madagascar isn’t visa-free, but you can apply online, get a “landing authorisation” and then receive a 90-day visa on arrival. You have to pay big money sha. 


Cameroon has beaches, deserts, mountains, rainforests, and savannas. Although it’s considered not-so-safe because of terrorism, tourists still visit the country and have a great time. Also, there’s terrorism in your own country too, so remove the log in your eye. 


Another beach-y place Nigerians can wake up and go to whenever they like? Why not?

If you’re done with all these places and body is still scratching you to travel, here’s a full list of countries Nigerians can visit visa-free. 



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.