Garri should be inducted into the hall of fame for cereals, really. For ages, it has dutifully served Nigerians home and abroad, and that is why it has no equal. But then, if the following ‘accompaniments’ were laid down, which of them would you pick to drink garri with?
8. Kuli Kuli

I will never understand why kuli kuli is still in existence and why people actually like it. Eating it is an ordeal. You’ll have to swallow one spoon of garri, and then bite part of this chewing stick. Neh. Not for me and my teeth.
7. Coconut

Coconut and garri is an award-winning combo. For real. But as much as I’m tempted to rank coconut higher, I won’t. The trouble in shelling and extracting the edible part has taken away all the fun. Sorry, dear. Next time, don’t play hard to get.
6. Powdered Milk.

Adding powdered milk to your garri is elite. Really elite. But powdered milk can never stand alone. It still needs other accessories to bang properly. And that’s what me I dislike.
5. Chocolate Milk.

Powdered milk should have gotten this spot. But then I reconsidered. Chocolate milk (Milo, Bournvita, Ovaltine, etc) works harder. And they don’t need other accessories to make an impact. So, this is a highly deserved spot.
4. Groundnuts.

If I had my way, I would put groundnuts as number 1. That’s how much of an impact I think it has. But you will call me biased, and say that I have taken bribe from groundnut. That’s why I kept it at number 4. Not too high, not too low. The quality will speak for it.
3. Beans.

In this category is every variant of beans: moi-moi, akara, beans and stew, or the kind of beans put here. If akara does not work for you, moi-moi will. Or beans and stew. This diversity is why beans is ranked 3rd.
2. Suya.

Do I need to say more? Okay, I do. Suya should have come first, but suya is queen of the night. And what happens when I need garri in the afternoon? If suya needs that first position, she better start working day shifts. Otherwise…
1. Fried Fish.

Can we all rise up to celebrate the superstar of all times? Fried fish brings a unique taste to the table, and combines with garri to bring you pleasure that you can’t get elsewhere. Let’s not even start on smoked fish. Argue if you like, but I know you’ll go and get fish after reading this. That’s how much power this winner carries.
BONUS: Ice Block

Ice blocks bring a new dimension to drinking garri on a hot afternoon. Even if you don’t have sugar or the other accessories, once you have ice block, you are good to go.
So tell us, did we hit or miss?