904 results for "sex life"

The subject of today’s Sex Life is a 27-year-old gay man who has been making porn for the past two years. He talks about earning six figures a month, navigating Nigeria’s homophobic laws and how the pandemic has affected his business.  What was your first sexual experience? I had my first real experience when I […]
May 16, 2020
The subject of today's Sex Life is a 26-year-old heterosexual woman whose obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has affected her ability to have sex, explore and maintain romantic relationships.
May 9, 2020
The subject of today’s Sex Life is a 26-year-old woman who was having sex very actively before marriage. She’s been married for a year and has not had sex with her husband since their wedding.
April 11, 2020
The subject of today’s Sex Life is a 31-year-old heterosexual man who has slept with over 300 women. He talks about regretting the unbelievable number and the stories behind a lot of the encounters. What was your first sexual experience? I don’t know if this counts, but the maid used to make me sleep with […]
April 4, 2020