Different people are more productive at different times of the day. I wish we were all able to wake up, show up and work effectively at the same time. But in the meantime, here’s what your most productive time says about you?

5 a.m – 7 a.m 

You like to be one step ahead of everyone. You can’t wait to get on with your work. While everyone is still asleep, you’ve replied to emails and finished all your tasks for the day. For you to be able to wake up and work at this time of the morning means you always have so much energy and exuberance, Nigeria cannot get you down. 

9 a.m – 12 p.m

You always keep to time and lateness irritates your soul. You’re very organized and you have a to-do list that you check off as the day goes by. By the time you start work, you know exactly what you’re going to do and you hate distractions. You have goals you need to achieve and nothing can stop you. 

1 p.m – 4 p.m

You come alive at noon. If anyone talks to you in the morning, you can slap them. Work resumes at 9, but your prayer is that you don’t have any deadlines by that time. You tend to start slowly, but once it’s noon, you suddenly have an enormous energy supply and you can’t be stopped. You become a super happy person and everyone starts feeding off your energy. You’re warmhearted with a soft spot for people and you enjoy good conversations.

ALSO READ: First Day at Work — Zikoko Employee Edition

5 p.m – 7 p.m

You get distracted a lot, and that’s why you’re doing the work you were supposed to do since morning, at this time. You spend a lot of time gisting with your friends and colleagues and swiping through social media apps. You like to have fun and enjoy life. You also like to be surrounded by people. 

6 p.m – 9 p.m

Your motto in this life is “I can’t kill myself”. Procrastination is your major problem in this life and your village people have refused to let you go. You don’t like stress and all you want to do is relax and be taken care of. But capitalism has you in a chokehold, so you just manage to do the work you have to do because inflation is kicking everyone’s butt and you need the money.

11 p.m – 12 a.m 

You’re the best when it comes to pop culture because you spend part of your day watching TV series and movies. You’re very much into fashion and you can never be caught unfresh. If there were an award for “Best Dressed” at the office, you’d win it. You understand that work is important, but to you, all work and no play makes John Bosco a dull boy. 

1 a.m.4 a.m.

You and the people that fly at night are the only ones awake and having meetings by this time. It’s only you that’ll be sending messages on slack by 2 a.m. when normal people are sleeping. You don’t like to live by rules so you create your own. You’re also a party animal: the one that friends call every time they want to turn up.  But also, you also like your quiet moments and that’s why you prefer to work at this time of the night.

No particular time 

Your life is based on vibes and everything and anything works for you. You don’t have any particular set of guidelines that your life follows, nor do you have strict goals. All that matters is comfort and happiness. Anytime wey body sweet you, you work.

You’re never productive 

You believe in enjoyment only. You don’t understand why you have to work, and you hate that your parents didn’t build generational wealth. You like the finer things in life, but you don’t want to work for them. 

ALSO READ:9 Nigerians Talk About Being Overworked And Underpaid


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.