132 results for "money"

Also: How much money do you need right now? Vol 71 | 11-03-2024 View in Browser Good morning, {$name}! 🌞 I’m not sure I considered this until the past weekend. But when the cost of living increases like ours has in the past few months, it threatens to choke and snuff the life out of […]
March 11, 2024
Students are asking for the hiked school fees to fall, but UNILAG tramples on them. From the “he said, she said” between the ministry of education and UNILAG management, to staff privilege, here’s everything you need to know about the lead-up to the protests.
September 6, 2023
Vol 8 | 12-12-2022 View in Browser Brought to you by | We should pop something today! The first Naira Life story was published in February 2019 and since then, we’ve been putting out the most honest stories about Nigerians and their money. Today, I’m happy to be sharing the 200th Naira Life story. This […]
December 12, 2022