We asked Nigerians the worst zodiac signs they have dated and these are some of the responses we received:
Queen, 22

Virgos (August 23 – September 22)
I believe in astrology but I don’t exactly live by it. Even though I know that the compatibility of signs does not determine the success of a relationship, I think of astrology as a guide. From my experience, Virgos can be very manipulative, selfish and dishonest.
I have been with Virgos twice and the experience was the same, I thought the first one treated me with little respect because I was dating him, it was worse with the second one, he was way more selfish and manipulative. He was not even a boyfriend, he was just my FWB.
So far, Geminis are the best people I have been with. I am also in a much better place now after my experiences with Virgos.
Bukky, 24

Pisces ( February 19 – March 20)
I do not like any Pisces, male or female, but the male Pisces are the worst. They always want to play the victim even when they have been the ones who hurt you. Pisces hurt you and come back to cry to you about how they are in pain because of their actions. I also find them to be very manipulative and emotionally draining.
They are dishonest to everyone, including themselves. Pisces also get attached very easily, I think that’s a little needy and immature.
Frank, 24

Gemini ( May 21 – June 20)
I’m Cancer, I dated this Gemini dude when I was in 200L, we started off cool. I thought I had finally found HIM but he had been cheating all along. He brought another person who he told me was just a friend, but this same friend of his unknowingly to him was an old career acquaintance of mine. Long story short, they shagged while they thought I was asleep.
We broke 8 months later because he was caught having sex with an older man and got arrested by the Nigerian Police. His arrest really messed me up because I had to involve my family after our texts were found on his phone.

There was no drama, they are just the worst.
Abby, 25
Pisces ( February 19 – March 20)
I didn’t take astrology seriously till I met a Pisces. I started reading about zodiac signs to understand her behaviour because a lot of it didn’t make sense. From my experience, pisces are quite dishonest and very manipulative, they don’t tell themselves the truth too.
According to astrology, our signs are supposed to be the most compatible, but I have been at peace since we went our separate ways.