The Nigerian national football team has done something. Yes, they have. They have hired this man, Carl Ikeme, this tall, cold bottle of Ribena as the new goal keeper for the national team.

If they were trying to sell more tickets to ladies, they have succeeded. Their jazzman is on blood. When your goalkeeper looks like that, you just support your country. I mean, have you seen him.

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And the ladies agree with me. Yesterday, after the Nigeria’s Super Eagles tweeted from their official handle, asking Nigerians on Twitter to welcome Carl Ikeme, ladies went HAM. This is a comprehensive list of everything we think about Carl:

He’s a keeper

No not just of balls. I mean I’d totally keep him. Wouldn’t you?

If you won’t, look at him again:

Hot goalkeepers are the reason girls go to the World Cup.

If you don’t think so, look at him again:

We would definitely give him Glucose

If you won’t, please just look at him again:

He can catch us anytime

If you won’t wait, obviously you have a problem, but look at him again:

Because we have a one or two things to tell him

If you don’t, fix yourself up, but in the meantime, look at him AGAIN:

Why would anyone want to score and make him sad?

Must you score?

He’s the perfect boyfriend

He can literally catch you when you fall.

But there’s an important question

Answer please.


Oh and when he’s not being this hot, he is a footballer who plays for Wolverhampton Wanderers as a goalkeeper. Don’t keep this to yourself, share this!



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.