Nigerian employee

The country is tough and there are not enough jobs so as Nigerian employees, we don’t just resign on a whim.

It seems pretty easy to just say that you are going to resign and hand in your two weeks’ notice because what could possibly go wrong?

If you are about to turn in your notice at work, you should know that it may not be as straightforward as it looks because there are many things that can happen when you try to call it quits. Don’t believe us? Just ask these 6 Nigerian employees who tried to quit.

Nigerian employee

1) The one that ended in hot tears.

“I asked my last boss for a raise to which she declined. The following month, I got an offer from a different company offering to pay me what I had requested from that boss. I took it and explained my situation to her while turning in my resignation letter because I thought she’d understand seeing as we have similar experiences.

I was wrong. She started to shout at me and for the remainder of my two weeks, she also gave me the workload of 5 people to do before leaving saying I had betrayed her. She would ignore my greetings and also snap at me. I cried every day until I eventually left the company. The day I left was the best day of my life.

2) The one that became a police case.

My last boss was wild. As soon as I put in my quit notice, he told me that my contract stated that I couldn’t go over to the company I was switching to. I was so lost because I didn’t even read the contract as I was just happy to stop being unemployed when I got that role at his company. At the end of the day, he called his policemen and I called my own policemen.

3) Wow. Payback?

“My last company ehn, I have never seen people as petty as them before in my life. As I told them I was no longer doing like this, they fired me on the spot. I was just like “petty.” I chested my L and moved on sha.”

4) We no go gree oh, we no go gree.

“Leaving my last employer was the hardest thing I have had to do because my oga likes me a lot. For me, it was no longer a 9-5 to me but more like a family business. I had to go back to school but my boss kept on begging me not to leave completely; to work weekends or in the evenings. At some point, my mum was involved in the whole thing. To be honest, I was just tired of the back and forth and I wanted fresh air.”

5) Wiun!

Me that I relocated abroad and didn’t tell my family or work people. It’s not me that evil eye will catch. I heard that in the workgroup, they still always ask what happened to me. Me that I have escaped.

6) Hmm…

“There was this guy that worked in my company that we put in charge of strategic partnerships with potential investors. That’s how one day he told us that he was thinking of trying a new field and he had to leave. Follow your passion and all that. We did a farewell party and even cried for him as per one of the boys.

The next week, he resumed at the company of one of our biggest rivals as head of operations. We all wanted to die. Since then, everyone at work signs a non-disclosure agreement form. Ole ni everybody.”



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