“Can you come over?” is an innocent four-word question people have reinterpreted to mean “booty call”.

While it won’t be easy to change the public’s view, Nigerian men don’t always mean it that way. They might actually want these things instead.

Your presence as a present

Out of sight is out of mind. They want to prevent that.

To make you fall in love

When Nigerian men really like you, they’ll dedicate all their free time to getting to know you better. A sleepover gives them all the time in the world to look dreamily into your  eyes and ignite that spark in you too.

Loyalty tactic

This is a move they’ve devised to show your chasers that you’re taken and not for the streets.

To be treated like babies

Nigerian men crave the baby boy treatment. They want to be able to lay their head on your chest throughout the night. Their exterior may say “hard guy”, but deep down:

A cautionary survey

They want to know your sleeping habits. Do you snore like a frog, ramble in your sleep or sleepwalk? They don’t write these things on the forehead, you know.

To check if you’re a prayer warrior

Another reason why Nigerian men love sleepovers so much is because they get to do night vigils with you, spend the weekend together and end up in church on Sunday. Is it not our elders that say couples who pray together, stay together? We talk to God in this house, dear.

Nothing at all

They just need someone they like around them, but if you offer them the other thing, they’d still appreciate it and proceed to eat it like grocery.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.