Other lost people

Just like you, these people seem out of place and are also confused and wondering what they’re doing there.

The ones that look like they live there

They know their way around so well that it can only be one of two things. It’s either they run the place, or they live there.

The ones that came to do business

These ones have an air of seriousness around them at all times. The hotel might be chill but they didn’t come to chill at all. If you check well, they’re probably there for a meeting or a conference.

The rich people

These ones smell like money from afar and the fact is that when you get to meet them, you’ll be right.

The ones that just came to chill

These ones actually came to chill. If the hotel has a swimming pool, that’s where you’ll find them.

Couples on honeymoon

You can already tell once you see them because they always have that “I just got married” glow that does nothing but remind you of how deep in the streets you are.

The ones you only see on TV

Since it’s a very important place, it’s only normal for you to see people you normally wouldn’t. But you’d be wise to leave them alone before you start looking like paparazzi.

The ones that look like they’re on vacation

You’ll know them by their smiles and you can definitely tell they’re having a good time because they’re not seeing the shege you’ve been accustomed to in this country.

If you’re wondering where you’ll get to meet all these people in real life, then you definitely weren’t at the Transcorp Hotels Plc’s 9th Annual General Meeting. It featured all the coolest people you can imagine, and you can see all the pictures here for free. Aura by Transcorp allows you access to 5000+ rooms from the comfort of your phone.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.