If there’s one lesson from this period, it’s that life comes at you fast. And now, we have decided to allow enjoyment to do the same.
When this storm passes, here is a list of things we look forward to:
1) Going outside and not living like the people in Birdbox.

The ghetto.
2) Peace of mind

Tired of thinking every cough or sneeze is Miss Rona announcing her presence.
3) Traveling.

Take me on a magic carpet ride.
4) Eating roadside food.

My precious.
5) Entering danfo once again.

Taxify and Uber, e go be.
6) Hugging my favourite people in the world.

Social distancing 1 – 0 Me.
7) Some Government approved fornication.

It’s time for a baby to make some babies.
8) Hating on colleagues in real-life and not virtually.

Beef is just better in person.
9) Being able to lie that you aren’t home.

This lie is currently undergoing construction.
10) Kissing.

The chance to comfortably swap saliva with anyone without having to worry about infected spit.
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