Nigerian businessman and senator Ben Bruce, is very motivational when he’s not carrying out his parliamentary duties.

And blessing Nigerians with tweets like this:

And his oh-so-wonderful achievements.

His genuine and passionate love for his dear country Nigeria, led him to start the trend #BuyNaijaToGrowTheNaira

In his opinion, buying locally made products is the quickest way to salvage the not-so-awesome Nigerian economic situation.

As part of his social activism, he recently launched his book “Common sense Revolution”.

This patriotic and loyal Nigerian had his book published and printed outside the country, in the USA.

Ehn Ehn?

Nigerians had this to say about this betrayal.

Some wanted to unfollow him on Twitter.

Practising what you preach is a key to success.

Because free books are everything.

Maybe he was worried about piracy.

And when the banter becomes unbearable…

When a book about buying locally made products is published overseas.

What about Evans Brothers, Kachifo and other Nigerian publishers?

In his defence.

But in the end..

[zkk_poll post=20341 poll=content_block_standard_format_17]

And now watch this


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