Everyone knows Olajumoke can take a great picture.

Serving face!?

But can she walk down a runway? Olajumoke shared this IG video a few days ago, showing her practicing her walk.

Too cute!

She then made her runway debut at the Lagos Polo Club Fashion Show and completely slayed!!!


From the outfit, to the natural hair and simple makeup! This is the Olajumoke we love to see!

Just a month ago, she was hawking bread and making less than N1000 a day!

After the event, a proud Olajumoke shared this video of her walking the runway.

Not bad for a first attempt!

What do you think about Olajumoke’s runway walk?

Head to polls.zikoko.com to vote!


Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.