A Nigerian comedian in the UK, MC Klinton Cod, shared the most ridiculous video on his Snapchat, mocking black girls.

In the video, Kinton Cod asked one of his friends what he thought about black girls, and the reply was ‘Fuck black girls’.


What made the video even more distasteful was how hard he laughed and the white woman in the video, mouthing the words ‘Fuck black girls’.

Despite the fact that nobody really knows this so-called comedian, this ridiculous video was met with heavy criticism.

He went on to apologise for the video, claiming the comments in the video aren’t his sincere opinions.

Who apology don epp? It simply shows the disrespectful things people would do just for attention.

Isn’t it better to be silent than sharing an ‘insincere comment’ that doesn’t even make sense?

Considering history, saying sorry won’t change the fact that he shamed black women and even encouraged a white woman to do so.

Maybe someone should spell it out to Nigerian comedians that they can be funny without necessarily making sexist jokes.



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