Once again, Arsenal FC has topped their groundbreaking feat of failure and disappointment.

On March 3, they lost yet another match to Swansea City (ordinary Swansea), less than 5 days after losing to Manchester United.
Being an Arsenal fan is simply unending doses of pain and anxiety…
And nothing short of an abusive relationship.
Staying on top is useless only at Arsenal FC.
This is too accurate.
And guess what? Arsenal has only won three Premier League matches since last December.
What an unfortunate team!
Arsene Wenger might just be a 419.
He might just have a Ph.d in failure and regret.
Kuku kill the fans.
Arsene Wenger, biko come and be going..
Trying to remember the last time Arsenal FC won the EPL..
Year Two thousand and impossible.
When all hope of winning has been lost.
A reminder that the Arsenal squad is a dustbin team.
And will let you down every time.
Gunners fans lives matter!
When Arsenal loses their third match in a row..