The subject of this week’s What She Said is Karo Omu, a 29-year-old Nigerian woman and mother. She talks about almost having a miscarriage when she was five weeks pregnant, liking her daughter and the importance of giving women enough information about reproductive health.
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The subject of this week’s What She Said is Ijeoma Ogwuegbu, a Nigerian woman who was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a condition that causes widespread pain all over the body. She talks about how difficult it was to get a diagnosis, coping with it while raising three children and how music helps her escape.
The subject of this week’s Sex Life is a 24-year-old heterosexual man who feels the size of his penis is preventing him from living his best sex life. He talks about how being shamed by multiple women has scarred him.
The subject of this week’s What She Said is a 61-year-old woman who left her family behind a few years ago to start a new life in Europe. She talks about why she left, the backlash she received and why she doesn’t regret it.
This week's What She Said features a woman who is married but currently moonlights as a sugar mummy.
The subject of today's Sex Life is a woman in her 40s who has been divorced three times. She talks about how not using protection and the lack of safe clinics for abortion in Nigeria affected her Sex Life.
We decided to conduct an investigation to find out why exactly women still fake orgasms in this day and age. We asked 7 women and here's what they said.
The subject of this week's Sex Life is a 30-year-old bisexual woman who discovered BDSM in her early 20s and has vowed never to have any other kind of sex.
The subject of today’s Sex Life is a 28-year-old woman who mentally and physically prepared for her first sexual experience with her husband by reading books and using aphrodisiacs like Kayan Mata.
My favourite thing about Nigerian women is everything they're doing to defeat the patriarchy. Let's list some of the steps they've taken recently shall we?
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