853 results for "police"

Nigerians face challenges every second of the day, and traffic congestion or “go slow” is a major part. Sadly, the origin of the slang involves poor worker welfare, the British colonial masters and 21 deaths. This is the story of the Iva Valley Massacre.
May 9, 2023
On March 2, 2022, the National Assembly voted on 68 bills to amend the 1999 Nigerian Constitution for the fifth time. The bills covered restructuring, electoral reform, welfare, and the advancement of women’s rights. For the process to be complete, the bills passed by the Senate and House of Representatives also have to be passed […]
December 13, 2022
Since he won the presidential ticket of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in June 2022, all we heard from Bola Tinubu was that it was his turn to be president. But on October 21, 2022, he finally released a manifesto titled Renewed Hope 2023 to back up his entitled “emi lokan” campaign. [Image source: Twitter/@O_Muhammadu_O] […]
October 26, 2022