Dating is an extreme sport, but dating when you’re much older and the pool isn’t as large as it used to be? 

You’ll definitely go through these stages:

Living your life partner-free in bliss

After your last big breakup, you decided to shut the door on love and its prospects because when we really look at it, “Who love help?”

Suddenly, you think, “Maybe I should give love another try”

You wake up one morning and realise, maybe falling in love on your own terms won’t be so bad.

Putting yourself back out there

So you start opening yourself up to the idea of love. You won’t actively seek it out, but if it comes to you, no wahala.

You meet the first hurdle

You go on the first date since your return, they greet your chest before you, and you realise why you left the streets for its owners. 

You tell everyone what you’ve been through

Anonymously or on a podium in front of 30k people, you must sha tell your story because people have to hear what your eyes have seen.

You finally find someone who’s worth the stress of dating

After kissing 1000 frogs, you finally find someone who ticks all the boxes: volunteers to drive you around town and fills your gen. In this era of ₦577 per litre fuel, you just know they’re worth your while.

Tasting small love and romance

Turns out you were right, now, you’re being loved up on and treated like royalty.

The eye-opener

The honeymoon phase passes, and their flaws start coming out, one by one. 

But you can’t leave because you’re already in love 

Nobody was stressing you like this when you were on your own, so you try going back. But you can’t stop thinking about this person and missing how they wore their outside clothes inside and squeezed toothpaste from the middle instead of the end.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.