We’re forever grateful for all the great shows Nollywood has given us, but it’s beginning to feel like the makers of these shows are taking the phrase “Too much of a good thing is bad” literally, because why have they refused to renew these shows?
“Far From Home”
The Netflix original that gave us Reggie–
-came out in 2022. It’s now 2024. We want our ships, Reggina and Carmeya, back on our screens, please and thank you.
“OGa! Pastor”
We don’t even want a new season yet. We just want them to return the first season to us and complete it before we start talking about getting a second season.
“Skinny Girl in Transit”
The last time we got a season of Skinny Girl in Transit, Buhari was still our president. And now, after ignoring our pleas for years on end, they’re parading a new season in our faces?
They’re lucky we want to see Mide and Tiwa in their parenting bag. If not, we would’ve told them to keep it for themselves.
“Castle and Castle”
Nneka had just found out about Malik’s wife, Ben’s involvement in the hit-and-run was about to be revealed, and Remi was about to tell Inspector Jaja who really killed Otunba. Even if they’re not ready to give us a new season, one last episode, just 30 minutes of their time to wrap things up, that’s all we ask.
“Crazy, Lovely, Cool”
We would first like to plead with whoever is in charge to leave our show for us on Netflix. When they’re done, they should give us one last season so we can find out what’s next for Luciano and his lecturer bae. We know the last season was in 2018, but we’re quite literally on our knees.
“The Most Toasted Girl”
A hot babe showing us in real time how muddy the Lagos dating pool is? We loved it in 2020, and if they give us a new season today, we’ll still love it.
“Crime and Justice Lagos”
Yes, the first season ended in January 2023, but this is a whole new year, and they’ve had enough time to prepare, so we demand a new season.
“Before 30”
It’s been eight years since Before 30 came to our screens with its great soundtrack, romance and drama. We’ve been patient since then, but since they teased a comeback last year, we believe it’s safe to ask, where is our show?
“The Mystic River”
We were on our own when Rogers Ofime brought “The Mystic River” to our screens. Now, three years later, they’ve taken it off Netflix and refused to bless us with a second season. At this point, they can actually hold on to the second season and just return our beloved show to a streaming platform because what do you mean we can’t watch Ebere’s husband be a fool and fall for a mami wata girl anymore?
“Lekki Wives”

America had “Desperate Housewives”, and we had “Lekki Wives”. Loveth sleeping with her friend’s husband, Miranda’s hidden sexuality, Cleopatra’s extramarital affair, “Lekki Wives” gave us all the drama we could ask for and some more, so like little Oliver Twists, we want more. Blessing Egbe, the writer and producer of the show, has already teased a reunion, so it isn’t too much if we ask her for it now, is it?
“The Smart Money Woman”
Nollywood turned a book about financial lessons into a series, and at first, we were a bit unsure about it, but Lara’s family started acting like she lives, works and breathes solely for them, and Adesuwa’s husband started acting a fool with her. Now all we want to know is when we’re getting a second season.
“Lara of Lagos”
Granted, it might be a bit hard to get the main cast together again because yesterday’s price is not today’s price, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Lara had just confessed to cheating on Chuka, and we need to know what’s next.
While we’re waiting for Nollywood to hear our cry and answer us, here are five shows from old Nollywood that we miss.