When was the last time you heard someone say “We move!”? Did they really go anywhere after that? Nigerians are very hopeful people; even when something is out of their control, they’ll still fake it like they’re on top of it. So we say a lot of things that sound good but that’s all they’re for – to make us feel good. 

You’ll see someone in a dire situation and they’ll dust it off and say “God go run am”, when in fact they have no clue what they’re doing. 

Another one is the less hopeless “any way na way”. You don’t know what to do, but you’ll still do something in hopes that it works. To be fair, we respect the hustling spirit, but sometimes, a plan is necessary.

The funniest one is the famous “It is well” when all is unwell. Hope is good, but what does “It is well” solve? Nothing. But then, you still have to console yourself when things aren’t good, right?

The funniest part is that it doesn’t only affect the bad times. Even in the lighthearted social connections we have, this happens. When was the last time you told someone “I’ll get back to you” when you’re in fact just telling them farewell forever? Or when they say “Let me know when you’re around” and you nod in agreement but you both know it’s not happening.

Another hilarious moment is when someone tells you “We gather dey” but you know deep down that you’re very much alone.

The truth is, we’re all running on vibes. But we can only take it so far before it starts to get bad. There are certain that just don’t work with vibes. Being Nigerian can be very chaotic, and you need to always have a plan. That’s why you need health insurance for yourself and the people you love. 

MyCoverGenius lets you buy health insurance for yourself, your business, and the people in your life. For as little as ₦2,500 a month, you can access up to ₦1million in medical coverage, and all you need to do is sign up on their website to get started.



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.