We don’t know whose big idea it was to make public proposals in Nigeria a thing, but once it started, it caught wild fire. While some public proposals are tastefully done, some are just awful and constitute minor and sometimes major disturbances for the people around. They even cause discomfort to the person being proposed to. These are the places we propose that the Nigerian government needs to ban public proposals from:
1. The Cinema

Oh because your life is a movie and you think you’re better than us, that’s why you’re proposing in the cinema. The worst ones happen in the middle of the movie.
2. Malls

Public proposals in Nigerian malls is the ghetto, but proposing in ICM is ratatata. Anyone that proposes to you here does not like you. Please Sanwo-olu, king of banning things, do the needful and ban public proposals here. Thanks.
And btw, case in point:
3. Eateries

You and the love of your life are randomly getting a snack from Mr Biggs and all of a sudden you see him going down on one knee. Please beg him to stand up or just faint because nope, it will never be cute, creative or romantic.
4. At someone else’s wedding:

While someone’s wedding or party is not something the government can ban, we are begging the government to make a policy to stop this from ever happening. Trying to take the attention off someone’s big day to propose to bae will always rub me the wrong way.
5. Concerts:

With the way Nigerian concerts are organised, with the way the performers don’t rate us, with the way it’s all so crazy, I don’t see why you’re proposing to anyone there.
If you’re going to propose to anyone in any of these places, just make sure you’re creative and romantic. I cannot stress this enough: do your public proposals in Nigeria the right way. Thanks.