The Internet is us, and we are the internet. GenZ and millennials (well, if we are being honest, half of the world) would not have survived the last 12 months without it.

Many thanks to the never-ending news merchants and content creators who had us engaged with viral events, from #BopDaddychallenge to #BussItChallenge. Octogenarians even joined in, to serve their version of meme sauce.

Before we turn this into a twale to the people who held us together during these trying times (rolls eyes), these are the 15 apps we feel that every young Nigerian needs to survive all the gbas gbos of just being Nigerian. I mean, we should be paid for that.

Gist and Family Drama:

Whatsapp and Telegram

Everyone needs a messaging platform to keep up to date with friends and ever-so-curious family members. So, you obviously need a messaging platform like Whatsapp and/or Telegram to catch up.

From checking out funny updates to having your parents forward bogus WhatsApp-generated news stories, the entire experience is drama-filled. School reunion groups on Telegram are cool though. Anyways,  where would we be without Whatsapp and Telegram?!

Banking and Investment:

ALAT by Wema Bank

How will our loved ones respond to ‘send me 2k urgently’ seamlessly without mobile banking apps. ALAT by Wema Bank is one of those apps that made the lockdown bearable, especially if you have those that can make your account go ‘ping’!

For a fresh-faced 21-year-old first-time employee who needs a little cash, there are salary-based loans that you can access at the snap of your fingers.

Other features that make the app stand out include a free debit card, zero collateral for loans, low-interest rates, and opening of accounts online.

Bants, Photos, and Trends:


Naija Twitter is the maddest there is and we could not be prouder. Twirra is not a respecter of age, calibre, or person. The generator rope will be pulled on your behalf, at any time, if you aren’t careful. And that’s why we love it!


This is the slay queen we all want. Get a fire filter or stand in the sun, use the right angles, and own it!

The hilarious skits by people like Mr. Macaroni and Taoma would not bang as much if they were not on Instagram. Plus, we need to say an extra prayer for the private accounts that come with extra juice that others don’t dare.

But in all this, you can’t allow the shiny world of IG to take you away from reality. All that glitters and ‘filters’ is not gold. Enough said.


Facebook is like that aunt that you don’t talk to as much, but you have intense respect for. It’s a bit old skool but we recognise it. 

Video Content Creation:

Tik Tok and YouTube:

Let’s face it, the lockdown without the internet would have been a bore-fest. Imagine having no option to access unlimited content of people goofing around in their rooms on Tik Tok, no short videos on cooking our comfort meals, or just ASMR videos to calm nerves. Ah, e for no easy o!

Who hasn’t concluded that their life would make for good content on a great YouTube show? New channels are popping up every day, each with more interesting content than the next.

Meanwhile, I need to perfect my moves for the next dance challenge. Ciao!


Spotify and Audiomack

While we appreciate the ‘vintage’ class of  CDs or vinyl records, why restrict yourself to a medium when you have the option of streaming millions of discographies? Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to adore your personal collections, but that’s stone age stuff.

You can organise your playlists and whatnots. Whatever your music taste, the world is your turntable. And, thank God for music! Peace to the soul and gingah to the feet

Netflix, Showmax and DStv App

God bless the minds behind Netflix, Showmax, DStv app and the other platforms that give us another definition of chill.

So many movies and TV series and all you have to do is lose some (well, it’s quite a bit of money, actually) Naira and sign in. *sigh* For the movie and tv junkie, this is paradise – an ever-revolving lineup of films and tv shows (original content, and syndicated shows). Heaven, my friend!

And if your first love is football and everything about the round leather game or the wonders of Africa Magic – Nollywood, Kannywood, Yoruwood, Ghollywood, etc. – then the DStv app is all you need.


Uber and Bolt:

Thankfully, the amount of money invested in this app by riders has reduced significantly since COVID-19 arrived on our shores.

However, we must still move. Whether you need to get to a brief meeting, go for a quick grocery shopping trip or transport your bae/boo to your home, transportation has gotten easier because of the likes of Bolt and Uber.

Well, when money dries up, it’s either long-distance walking or bus-hopping. Either way, we really have to move.

What have we missed in this line-up? What apps can you not live without? And what app do you think we need the most?



Zikoko amplifies African youth culture by curating and creating smart and joyful content for young Africans and the world.