With influences from North African, French, and Portuguese cuisine as well as from the nation’s many ethnic groups, Senegalese cuisine is delightfully unique to experience! Here are a few dishes your Nigerian palette will absolutely fall in love with.

1. Chicken Yassa

Yassa is made of chicken pieces that are marinated in onions, lime juice, vinegar and peanut oil then grilled before being cooked over low heat in its marinade. When served with white rice, this makes for an unforgettable flavorful dish.

2. Mafe

Mafe is a very delicious traditional Senegalese food. It’s made of meats or fish cooked in groundnut paste, then served with white rice. Totally yummy.

3. Caldou

I’m a huge fish lover, so for me, Caldou is an A+ dish. It’s made of fish cooked in palm oil, then is served with white rice and a lime sauce. Just thinking about this is making me hungry.

4. Thierre bassi salte

Basse Salte is a delicacy made from seasoned meats or fish cooked in tomato paste and vegetables. Served with the local couscous, you’re going to be begging for more.

5. Lakhou Bissap

Lakhou Bissap is a very interesting Senegalese dish that you should definitely try. It is made of semolina and meat or fish and has the consistency of a soup.

6. Salatu Niebe

This! Salatu niebe is a wonderful and colourful black-eyed pea salad. Made with tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley and a host of other vegetables, this is very delicious, take it from me.

7. Firire

Firire is fried fish and onion sauce that can be served with bread, fries, salads and so much more. It is truly delicious.

8. Soupou Kandja

Soupou Kandja is an okra sauce made with loads of meats and palm oil. When accompanied with rice, this is a match made in heaven.

9. Check out this recipe for Chicken Yassa

What other Senegalese dishes would y’all recommend?


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