Kids these days only know Skittles and Maltesers but if you’re a 90s kid or older, you’ll know that we had better OGs.
These local candies were cheaper, easily accessible and definitely a treat for the taste buds.
Source: Instagram (@bera_foods)
Baba Dudu (Black toffee)
Source: ErinFood
Might not have been considered cool to bring it out during your lunch breaks, but Baba Dudu was that guy. What other candy could you afford with N5? It’s made from coconut milk and cream. These days, the quality has significantly reduced even though it’s still cheap as fuck.
Sisi Pelebe (Groundut candy)
Source: Ounje Aladun
As a 90s kid, this is one candy you’ll be familiar with if you had uncles and aunties that made trips to Coutonu. Unlike Baba Dudu, it’s flat and is a brighter shade of brown. Sisi pele is made from groundnut, sugar and salt.
Ridi (Sesame seed candy)
Source: Northpad Kitchen
This candy is the star kid in the north and only found its way to other regions on rare occasions. It’s basically sesame seeds coated in sugar syrup.
Ekana Gowon (Gowon’s finger)
Source: Dobby’s signature
Another personal favourite, Ekana Gowon is probably the cheapest local candy on this list. I remember buying it for as low as two sticks for N5. It’s made from sugar, lime and water. The unique cone shape sets it apart from the other local candies.
Source: Nairaland
Alewa was the queen that brought the boys to the yard. It was the quickest way to get your playmates’ the attention and have them begging for some. It’s made from water, sugar and food colouring. It also had a reputation for changing the colour of the tongue—a real charmer for kids.
Coconut candy
Source: Kitchen Butterly
This candy deserves some real respect because it’s the only one fully thriving to this day. You’ll even find it at owambes, either as a souvenir or dessert option. It’s made from coconut, sugar and water.
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